Korisničko ime: First Mne Gigolos
Pol: Muškarac
Seks. opredeljenje: Heteroseksualno
Grad: Ostalo
Godište: 1990
O sebi: Whether you wish to have a dinner date, massage, overnight stay or travel vacation, your pleasure is my pleasure, your limits, my limits.
You will find me to be a great conversationalist and great listener. I'm easy to talk to and very down-to-earth.
I am reliable, punctual, discreet, and always value your time and privacy. I offer you a no-strings-attached relathionship.
PLEASE NOTE: I am straight, I do NOT service men. I do work with couples, but please respect the fact that I am straight.
You can contact me on my e-mail - firstmnegigolosZabranjeno je postovanje emailova i mobilnih telefona
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